Feeling my body come to life!

Day 5

Feeling my body come to life! Not sure how the correct frase is in English but the water that I was retaining (?) is getting out of my body. Wow, this feels so great! I can twist my neck and look behind me again. My fingers move easily and bending over is no problem anymore (apart for the belly). Yeah! It’s funny that I can be so high on an achievement that actually consists of NOT doing something.

I will certainly continue my 1,5 pint of morning vegetable drink juiced from cellery, apple, lemon, ginger, cucumber and carrots. And not drink alcohol of course. That works out to be a very good plan.

Starting a new book as well: ‘The addictive personality, understanding the addictive process and compulsive behavior.’

Jason Vale tought me how alcohol works. What I learned is that the process of getting hooked did NOT happen after we made the bad decision to start drinking more that our GP’s. It happens in our society that advertises alcohol in all of its communications. It happens by getting young people to like alcohol by feeding them sweet mix drinks. And third and most important of all: alcohol is so addictive that we step in the trap with the first drink we like. That’s when it closes on us and only very smart thinking and lack of possibility and lack of reason will keep people away from it.

As Jason Vale points out; people that say ‘I only eat bananas in the weekend and try not to eat them during the week. So I do not have a banana problem’ already have a banana problem. That is about 80% of the population.

Well, that was all about the booze. Good book. And it has got me preaching sobriety within 5 days! Yeah! Preaching = trap! It is not about the other. It is about me.

So now I will try to look into my side of the addiction and I hope to do that with a book that hopefully helps me to understand the how and why of having an addictive personality. Did anybody (of the 3 readers I currently have  who help me greatly by reading and commenting on this blog, read this book? 🙂 Addition: having people objectifies them, objectiving people is part of addiction behaviour. In the works of Willow to Spike: ‘There will be no having of any kind!’

2 thoughts on “Feeling my body come to life!

  1. Thanks! From what I am currently reading in the book and read in your tip I think the information of both can live alongside each other. Going to check out the youtube presentation this weekend.

    I have bought the book because I have always thought, even from a very young age that I have this character structure that gets addicted to everything possible. There’s this German saying ‘Je länger, je lieber’. Which means something like: the more the better but with some yearning in it. I’ve had that all my life. My mother could read me the same book 10 – 20 times over while my brother never, ever reads a book twice. He goes nuts when I put a CD on repeat. I can eat the same dish 2 weeks in a row because I can’t get enough of it. I went from not smoking to 15 per day in one week. I drank 3 liters of cola per day. Same with everything. To me it feels like I have a tendency to structurally replace something for something. Not sure what the somethings in this equation are is, apart from the drinking, of course :-D. But that is just one of the weird parts of my character. But maybe, maybe that is just another version of the ‘normal is not good enough for me’ illusion that I like to keep up. Fantasy, I just read, is a big, big part of addiction. :-/

    By the way: I read a book from Allan Carr and quit smoking cold turkey from 25 to 40 cigarets a day. Never smoked again. And the same with sugar, read a book and quit for 5 years. Cola: saw a video and quit with 3 liters of cola a day and threw in everything else with cafeïn and theeïne as well. No halve measures 🙂 Hope it’s gonna work for the alcohol addiction that I had too. I am practicing using the past tense to make me realise that it IS behind me. That the door is closed. In between I do keep an eye on how I am performing, alcohol is cunning. But so far, so good! 🙂

    Hmm, I should learn to make posts shorter. From tomorrow onwards.


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