Standard unit of alcohol differs per country

Just found out that the worldwide standard unit for alcohol differs per country. That is so strange.  The UK has a 8 gram glass but the Canada and the US have a 13,6  and 14 gram standard. This is from Wikipedia:

Definitions in various countries

The amount of alcohol is stated in the table in both grams and millilitres. The number of standard drinks contained in 500ml (16.9 fluid ounces) of beer of 5% ABV (a typical large drink of beer) is stated for comparison.

Country Mass (g) Volume (mL) 500 mL of 5% ABV beer is
Australia 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Austria 20 25.3 1.0 standard drinks
Canada 13.6 17.2 1.4 standard drinks
Denmark 12 15.2 1.6 standard drinks
Finland 12 15.2 1.6 standard drinks
France 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Germany 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Hong Kong 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Hungary 17 21.5 1.2 standard drinks
Iceland 8 10 2.5 standard drinks
Ireland 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Italy 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Japan 19.75 25 1.0 standard drinks
Netherlands 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
New Zealand 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Poland 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Portugal 14 17.7 1.4 standard drinks
Spain 10 12.7 2.0 standard drinks
Switzerland 12 15.2 1.6 standard drinks
United Kingdom 8 10 2.5 units of alcohol
United States 14 17.7 1.4 standard drinks

I am happy that I quit. Today mostly because I don’t want to have to do that all over again. Because of Dry January there are a lot of people sweating it over not drinking. Reading that I think back and realise it is so nice not to wake up and thinking “OMG! What did I drink last night?!”

For anybody who is having trouble, see if you can find some inspiration in this:

“The longer you do not drink, the stronger you will get and the more cravings will fade.”

“If you drink now, all the time you have spent sober is wasted and you have to do that again.” (which is true, and from other points of view not true – but take it as true because you WILL at some point have to deal with what is happening when you have a craving. Might as well be now. 😉 Actually, there is no other time than now. 🙂 )

“Cravings, in general, last six minutes.” So you might want to go do something else. Like clean out the dishwasher or empty a drawer and clean the bottom or clean the outlet of your washing machine. When was the last time you cleaned the rack or lines on which you hang your washing? Huh? Maybe your Christmast tree is still out. You can start taking it down till you are ok and then continue when another craving comes. 🙂 Or take your time to start your own blog! You do not have to post what you write. Or you could go do the free online alcohol desensitization course I did too. Trying to work through the manual alone will not allow your mind to wander anywhere else. 😀

A woman who loves herself would take a break from working and blogging now and have real break. So, leaving you here.

Wishing you a nice sober evening/day.

xx, Feeling

2 thoughts on “Standard unit of alcohol differs per country

    • Yup! Scary, when you see what people do not know. And the whole generation who where, from after the 2nd WW still used to drink from 1 unit standard glasses is now in their 80 and nobody of the younger generations knows what a 1 unit wine- or beerglass actually looks like. Worrisome.
      xx, Feeling


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