There is hope :-) <3

Yay! You can’t believe what has been handed to me, on a plate…. I’m back. Well, not yet, but I have hopes I could be. Happy now. πŸ™‚

Since my boat started sinking I have been seeing my GP once a week. Just to ‘keep check on me’. She’s a homeopathic doctor with a GP license. She believes in people healing themselves and she is willing to help that process along with her knowledge and intuition. I like that.Β What I like about her is that she cares, but let me decide what I do or do not want and she does not push things on me. I like that too. πŸ™‚

When I spoke with her about the vanishing twin, me feeling not ‘incarnated’ in this world and lacking self-care she pointed me at the site of Tinus Smits. Smits is a Dutch homeopathic doctor who, as I understand it, focussed on matching homeopathic medicine to different layers of development of the human being. And with that he found, as most doctors would I guess, that some medicine speak to the body very well, and others more to the mind and then finally to the spirit and the connection of the spirit to the universe. (these are my words to how I understand what is written on the website)

Well, this morning I did a little reading through the several (rather funny…) medicines on the site I found:

  • people low in self-care
  • missing ‘a layer’, not able to filter impressions out, not able to stand up for themselves
  • extremely sensitive to impressions, feelings of others, food.
  • unaware of what feelings belongs to them and what belongs to the other
  • the feeling of not being incarnated in this body / world
  • indulging in sweetness and chocolate
  • emotionally unstable (I assume you noticed? :-D)
  • hypoglycemia, obesity, eating disorders
  • feeling/experiencing a lack of attention and love

Quotes from the website of Tinus Smits:

The essence of Vernix caseosa is insufficient separation of its own energy fields from the energy outside.

In such a state we are the playing ball of energies coming from outside, mixed up with our own energy creating chaos inside. This can force us in an attitude of taking distance to protect our selves, of staying home because we need the protection of our house as a second shield. We have to avoid watching TV, to listen to the radio, to read the journal and have only superficial contacts with other people. But this is only a plaster on a bleeding wound. Or we can be completely overwhelmed by all these outer energies, not knowing how to canalize them, not aware of what happens. Many of these patients are so vulnerable that they are continuously in a state of emotional imbalance. Vernix therefore can be of wonderful help at a certain moment in our live, when we have the feeling that we are overwhelmed and unable to defend ourselves. It enables us to build up a natural separation between our own energy and the outside energy.

And now for the part which might…. sound a little funny to those who are not familair with homeopathy. Herewith my laymen’s explanation of things:

We use vaccines to inoculate people against whatever diseases. In those vaccines medical firms put weakened viruses of the diseases. The body reacts to the vaccine by making anti-bodies and therewith strengthening itself. That are vaccins.

Now there is isopathy: isopathy works sort of the same… but uses not only viruses but also ‘chocolate’ or ‘dog hairs’ if you will, in a diluted version to make the body aware of having to build up some strength against those. In isopathy this dog hair would be used to cure an allergy against dog hair.

Take it one step further and you dilute the dog hair* to ‘infinity’, even so far that you do have any molecules of the dog hair in the remedy, there is still a possibility that the solution cures the allergy against dog hair.Β  I am not sure how it works. If I would be able to prove it scientifically I would be rich. Or dead, more likely. :-D. But I do not really need an explanation for this becauseΒ  I have seen transformations and healings with people and animals alike so I don’t really worry about it. I try to find explanations for others though. One of the might be that we all know that an insight in something (like really realising that drinking is not good… to ‘just’ name one πŸ˜‰ )Β  can transform people. Just like that. There has been no exchange of matter, but still there is change. Same with love, with kind words, with sending virtual hugs. πŸ™‚ Not everything that is tangible has value or has transformative impact, not everything that is not tangible lacks value or lacks transformative qualities. Or in short: there are more things in heaven an earth.

Funny comparison on a sober blog actually, only realising the double meaning of dog hair – ‘Taking a hair of the dog that bit you’ is an English saying meaning that one drinks alcohol in the morning to ‘cure’ a hangover.

Well, vaccines to isopathy to diluted isopathy. The next step is homeopathy were you take a material, e.g. common garden nettles and look at what the ‘poison’ of the hairs on the leaves and stem do to the body when we touch it. In me it causes swellings and itching. homeopathy says; if we dilute the nettle we can cure swellings and itching which look like somebody has been stung by nettles. Again, don’t ask me how it works, it just does. PROVIDING: one chooses the correct medicine and the correct dilution and also does not counteract that medicine by eating e.g. mints while taking it. There are a few counter activities but those are minor. The finding of the remedy is the most difficult. I believe for common cold there are about 20 different types of homeopathic solutions. Colds that have been caused by draft, cold rain, anger, sadness. Colds that show white, yellow, green or brown discharge. Colds which appear within a few hours and colds which take days to grow into a full cold. Colds which include sinuses and colds which drop down into the throat and what else we have there. So… yeah… there is a difficulty.

When it comes to dilutions the lower dilutions e.g. D3, D6 and D12 work more on the body while the higher ones like D30, D60, D100 and D1000 work on the mental, emotional, spiritual field.

Ok, so, that was a laymen explanation of homeopathy leading up to the funnyness of the medicine my GP proposed. Hold on to your seats. πŸ™‚

Saccharum-officinale: cane sugar. :-D. For those who lack sweetness in their lives and try to fix that from the outside. I hope this will help me deal with my addiction by helping me find an answer to the spiritual wrong turns I made when developing an addictive personality.

Lac maternum: mothers milk. Yes, from women. Obviously with their permission and with my many thanks because I hope to be able to repair the energetic ‘workings’ of what went wrong in bonding over mothers milk with my mother. That is what I hope for.

Vernix: is made from the sebum of ten different new born babies. Sebum is the white grease newborns have on their skin in the uterus. It protects their skin. I hope this will help me build this missing layer I have felt all of my life. That is what I hope for.

I have this theory that several of the energetic processes in me are not working fully or not working at all. Like being a clock with a few gears broken, others out of whack. That is doable when young and energetic, when old and on a wrong path of addiction with an addictive personality this is killing. Which…. is how it is ‘meant’ to be in the evolution; that which does not function should not procreate and die off. But still, I would rather live happily than ending up dark, work- and friendless. :-/

So…. I am HAPPY that I quit! I am happy that I have this extreme sensitivity which at times is very hard on me (but I guess most on the people around me because I it can make me a real asshole) but in times like this sends me to the right person in the right time. It is a gift. And as gifts go: they can be great, it is also another word for poison. πŸ˜€ Well, ain’t I a little ray of pitch black? πŸ˜€

Another wonderful experience at the doctor this morning. I said that I believe that sustainable healing begins with the person themselves wanting to heal and looking for solutions. But that I, in the last months had lost that ability and I could only look for help. At which she says: “Looking for help is also something that you do yourself.”

I am happy that I quit. I hope you are happy that you quit too. Or planning to do so. Not saying it is easy – well, the not drinking part was for me fortunately, the living part is a bit more eh, challenging. But I have hope, and something like desire (?) again. A want to do stuff, a want to live. Haha, finally my search for a way ‘out’ might actually help me to find a way in. πŸ™‚

I am happy.


Wishing you a nice sober day/evening/week!

xx, Feeling

9 thoughts on “There is hope :-) <3

    • Hi SHBTG, I bought his book on the several things he recommends and I’ll be reading that to see what and how and then discuss it with my GP. She has got easy access to this highly diluted homeopathic stuff anyway. Take it from there.
      In one way I do not know if I, again (!!!) found something to ‘not be me, not feel like I feel’ or that this is actually about healing. I hope the last. But my wish to not be with what is going on in me is so big it is destructive in itself. So anything is better than nothing. I was wondering if this looking for a ‘quick fix’ (?) is not just another shape of addiction. Or a reward of a journey of years of searching. I do not know. I do know things need to change. πŸ™‚
      Progress, not perfection. Babysteps. Self-care. A woman who loves herself would look for help and follow a path which looks promising.
      I am happy Tinus Smits wrote in English, so the rest of the world can read his studies too. πŸ™‚ Sorry that he has passed away, I would have LOVED to speak with him.
      xx, Feeling

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It’s always good to have a path. I nodded to everything on the list too. I’m not sure what that means.
    I am familiar with homeopathic medicine. Having someone who is also a gp to work with is great.
    I take an antidepressant. I tried some natural remedies, but I was way too deep in to depression/hysteria at that time and it just wasn’t enough.
    I occasionally think about trying something different, but I still have some hard days and I just don’t think I can risk my current wellbeing.
    I’ll be interested to see how you progress. There are always many options.

    Hugs to you. I have been worrying about you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am happy I have a path now. I have been in a deep dark pit for quite a while. I’m guessing this is the upside to my mood swings: they can actually go up too. πŸ™‚
      About the nodding to the list, I’m thinking that a lot of people with a history of addiction would nodd. Makes me wonder. Well, I’ll keep everybody posted (in abundance, in detail and with oversharing) as ever on how things go. πŸ™‚ Got the book. (Why are you not surprised?! :-)) Very curious. Curious = good. Curious = Life. I’ve been away very far.
      I can understand that you do not want to risk your wellbeing. I myself am too scared of synthetic medicine to dare to try (said the X glasses of beer a day woman…. :-/ ). And, however untrue it is, whenever I’m down I think I only have to live for myself and the cat. Not being in an intimate relation or having children makes a huge difference.
      But I am happy I quit. πŸ™‚
      Receiving your hug well, thank you. And thank you for caring.
      xx, Feeling

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Feeling, sorry I’ve been away from the blogs for so long. I’m glad you have a path to healing now. This list you gave is really interesting and I can relate to much of it. Dealing with our lows is the biggest challenge in sobriety isn’t it? Let us know how it goes?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! I missed you. Wasn’t all too social myself though. Yes, dealing with lows is difficult, specifically because I am not a party person but a person who drunk from below emotional zero to zero. Not so much to continue above that.
      I bought the book (I can hear you are NOT suprised :-)) And I’ll read it so I can ask the GP for what I want next week. If from there on I am sky-high, you know what to take. πŸ˜€
      xx, Feeling

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