Recovery 2.0 FREE online conference

Hi! I’m out! I’m watching the free online Recovery 2.0 conference. Loads of vids in the coming 10 days of people who know their shit. As a stingy Dutch person I will stress the point that says FREE. πŸ˜‰

Login and enjoy! The vids are free for the day that they are posted. Pay 97 Dollars and you can have them long time, forward them to others, receive the transcripts and the audio. Which is actually about the same amount as anybody pays for seeing a shrink for an hour so….. GOOD DEAL.

Enjoy πŸ™‚

I am happy that I quit. Happy that you quit :-). Going through a rough patch currently when it comes to work what and how. I’ve started a new project that is supposed to get me moving. Many thanks to Dustin who caught me saying some stuff and made me consider what I was doing. Shitloads of crying going on today but that is good.

I want: things to be easier.

I need: to take my time and not hide in Netflix and blogs and what have I.

I take: Schuessler salts on bile production.

14 thoughts on “Recovery 2.0 FREE online conference

    • This is totally not the ‘point’ of Feeling’s post, but in American English we would call that conference “Recovery Two-Point-Oh” if we said it out loud. How do you guys say it out loud when you use a comma instead of the decimal point?


    • Yeah! It is a good place to be, watching those video’s of interviews that Tommy Rosen (writer of the now THE famous book; Recovery 2.0) has with recovery experts on spirituality, science, recovery, healing. Check out the link. It’s a bit complicated how they put it up but follow the FREE word and you’ll get there. When you sign in there follows and e-mail to your inbox and the links are in there. Otherwise, if you can’t find stuff. Sign in and follow
      There is more but these are the vids. πŸ™‚
      Enjoy! xx, Feeling

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dustin, you are very welcome. πŸ™‚ Hope you like it. Must say…. yesterday was a stronger day. So if you like what you see, you might want to do the paid stuff and see the interview with Gabor MatΓ© from yesterday and with the Guru. Beautiful. πŸ™‚ Or maybe somebody you know has access and is willing to share it with you. People with paid access can share vids.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Did you like the vids from day 2 (7 feb) better than day 1? For me it was the other way around. But I’m also in this proces of checking my own projections. Like with Mastin Kipp, I could not watch past a few minutes, him hanging there in his ego thingy with his red headset and not having the inner peace nor politeness to NOT drink take a sip of his drink when spoken to. Brrrrr….. Pllllfffffff….. Delete.. ‘He has not changed he has just gone from being a god at the pool side and using to being a god in the sober book world.’ Ghegheghe…. Not sure if it is about him or about me or about the both of us. πŸ˜‰

      Glad you enjoyed Nikke Meyers! What a beautiful women. I have not watched the whole video because the yoga part does not feel like it is on my path yet.


      • Yoga is such a big part of mine that Nikki and Brian both had me mesmerized.

        I am going to try to get to train with Nikki to lead 12 step yoga.

        Yeah-I didn’t watch them all. I’m like you, if they didn’t interest me immediately I moved on.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, got to take care of what you take in…. ;-). Watching the nutrients guy of the 2nd day now. It’s a bit dissapointing, I would sooooo love that they get Dr. Mathews Larson on there – she does detox and rehab the nutrients way. However it is good to hear him say: ‘Stacking the odds in your favour.’ Ghegheghe… a moderate version of my own: whatever it takes is what it takes. At 35:30… something they move onto speaking about yoga too. Not liking the arrogance that follows after on ‘being way ahead of European countries’. Getting this: WE COOK -NOT FRY- AND EAT REAL FOOD HERE WITHOUT GMO’s, SUGAR, FLORIDE, BAD FATS AND HORMONES, WE DO NOT NEED SUPERFOODS AS MUCH AS A USA PERSON DOES YOU POMPOUS ASS!!! (had to look up the spelling for that p word) He does make it up a little with speaking of Holland (The Netherlands) as a most amazing little country. πŸ™‚

        I’ld LOVE to hear how you continue with Nikki. I can imagine is must feel wonderful for you to be able to work with people that combine sober living with yoga. πŸ™‚ Is your husband into yoga as much as you?


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